My house plants get a lot of exercise.

They wilt.

They revive.

They wilt, and they revive once more.

What’s the miracle that brings back their strength?

Water. It’s a simple thing, yet vital to a plant’s ability to live.

In life, we face challenges that can make us wilt.

The drive to succeed can run out of steam.

A will to thrive can sputter to a halt.

The ability to get up, one more time, after a disappointment can seem impossible.

Have you or your spouse ever felt wilted – unable to rebound? What can revive your spouse’s drive?

A drink of cool, clear, refreshing Encouragement might make the difference.

Encouragement can take the form of hope – telling your spouse you’ll be together to build a bright future. Talking and planning for the future can revive the desire to succeed.

Encouragement can take the form of faith – reminding your spouse of the greatness of God, and how God can make a difference in your lives. Encouragement ends in the letter “t”. The shape of the cross. Bringing your spouse (literally or figuratively) to a point they can experience Christ will encourage them.

Encouragement can take the form of love – love that’s based on who your spouse is, not a reflection of their behavior. Showing love through intimate, physical touch can encourage them.

Encouragement can take the form of prayer – the silent prayer between God and you, asking the One who can change circumstances for help. Or letting your spouse hear you pray for them – that will bring encouragement.

Encouragement can take the form of joy-filled zeal – the pitching in with physical labor, the lending a hand in a practical way, or the simple act of “being present” for your spouse is a way to encourage.

Encouragement can take the form of new insight – ideas and suggestions, research into a problem, or referring them to someone who has been in their situation will encourage your spouse.

Encouragement can take the form of validating them with your intimate knowledge – you know your spouse best. You’re an expert on your spouse. Help them see themselves through your eyes – give them a picture of the amazing person you know.

7 ways to give your spouse a needed, and life-giving drink of water – Encouragement.

If you encourage your spouse more than I water my plants… maybe you’ll even prevent a wilting of their spirit!