Encouragement comes in many forms and sometimes our spouse just needs something sweet…

In honor of National Cherry Month, I bring you some links to yummy Cherry desserts*:

  • Cooking with Elise – Elise makes Cherry Panna Cota, Chocolate Cherry Paninis, and a few more!
  • 17 and Baking – Elissa, a young baker, a photographer, a writer and a blogger –  this recipe is an upsidedown cornmeal cherry cake.
  • Coleen’s Recipes – Coleen says her husband loves these – and they look so yummy.  It’s a recipe for bite-size cherry pies!

Do you have a cherry dessert recipe you love?

It’s funny, but it was hard to find cherry recipes…

* I rarely bake, so I’ve not tried any of these recipes… I just trust the experts!  Let me know if you try any of these suggestions.  Better yet, let the experts know!


On the theme of cherry pie – here’s an old, old, old folk song that talks about Billy & a his girl, AND a cherry pie!