Whether we subscribe via email, or RSS or just bookmark, I imagine, we all read a great number of blogs.  This Ultimate Blog Challenge has added so many to my “must read” list.

When I go to a blog for the first time, I read everything on the “About” page.  I love hearing people’s stories and understanding what motivates them to share.  The more detailed the ‘about page’ is, the more likely I am to subscribe.

Today I wanted to highlight a mom and wife who is the driver behind Inspired to Action.  Her name is Kat, and she writes about tips and tools for inspired moms.

On the about page, Kat has a video. 

It’s 8 minutes* long.  I love how authentic she is and how she shares her story.  She tells moms that they are not “just a mom”.  Also, within that 8 minutes (at 6:50)  I heard something that told me she has a real encouraging husband who doesn’t join her when she’s feeling down, but rather lifts her up.

Her husband encouraged her when she was completely discouraged.  She was grumpy, frustrated, miserable with her day, and her husband said:

“It’s not about the mom you were today,
it’s about the mom you’re fighting to be.”

 I love that.  He knows what kind of mom she wants to be – and he believes she’s working toward her goal.

Do you have a video on your “About” page? 

What’s your view on sharing your story – do you believe in sharing a lot – or just a little bit?

*My son, the web-video guy, says that a video under 3 minutes is best.  If you’re interested to learn more – check out the link to his business on my ‘about’ page.  😉