OK – it’s July 25th – 25 days into a 31 day blog writing challenge.  (yes- I’m still behind – but I’m determined to finish!) 


I just read a fun post from another of our Ultimate Blog Boost Challenge writers – Christine at Inspired Life.  She decided to take a writing break, and I’d like to try too… 

It starts by going to a site that generates a ‘first line’ for a short story.  I did.  Here’s mine:  Her foot slipped and she started to fall.  Then, you’re supposed to start with it and just write till you see where it’ll go!  (let’s see where the imagination takes me)


Her foot slipped and she started to fall.  As she grabbed at the railing, for one split-second she thought it might hold. 

But no.  It was as rusty and unkempt as the rest of the building.  The echo of it’s final landing, two floors below, vied with her scream.  Her husband turned to catch her in his arms.  She put her hands on his broad shoulders to remain steady as they continued their precarious maneuvering down the rotted-out stairs.  

It had seemed like a good idea at the time – checking out the abandoned guest house.  It was their dream, their plan for retirement.  They loved the idea of running a bed and breakfast and the thought of grabbing a great deal on a former historic building seemed too good to be true.  It was.  This building had definitely seen better days.  A long time ago.  A really long time ago.

They made it to the first floor and walked out the massive front door into the early spring sunlight.  The grass was just beginning to peep through the line-art of cracks in the driveway, and a few daffodils were bravely standing where a flowerbed once had welcomed guests. 

She heaved a great sigh.  Thank the Lord they’d made it out alive!

Her husband turned with a huge smile and said, “That was awesome!  I can’t wait to start replacing the floorboards – it’s gonna look awesome.  Just awesome!”


As the bunny says… “that’s all, folks!” 

(back to the serious stuff)