Motivation to make things better, to be more, to grow your relationship as husband and wife… do you and your spouse have a reason for action when it comes to your marriage? What is the Value of Motivation?

Motivation – an incentive or reason for action.

Too often real life gets in the way of making your relationship a priority. The kids need new shoes. The car isn’t starting properly. Your company is downsizing and your job is in jeopardy. Your spouse’s parent has cancer. The roof is leaking. The driveway needs resurfacing. You are tired. (You get the scene, right?)

Where is the motivation to make more of your marriage?

Real life is filled with distractions. Even if they’re worthy distractions, you still need to focus and be motivated to take action in your relationship.

Here are 3 incentives/reasons to take action in your marriage:

1st Incentive for Taking Action in your Marriage:Two is more than one. If you have a solid relationship with your spouse – if you’ve put more into your marriage than you’ve taken out – you’re able to meet adversity as an integrated force. That’s powerful. Put the work in now, and you will have the strength to tackle whatever life throws at you.

2nd Incentive for Taking Action in your Marriage: Your children are watching. Actually, many more people are watching than you believe. If you have a solid and growing marriage as husband and wife, you’re modeling a healthy relationship. And your healthy relationship will make others feel secure. We fully underestimate the comfort of being surrounded by couples who are happy together. Spending time with people who are in healthy relationships can change perspectives and bring hope. Put the work into your marriage, and that will be you two – bringing hope to others!

3rd Incentive for Taking Action in your Marriage: You made a vow. It might only be a few years ago – it might be decades – regardless…  You vowed before God, your friends and family, that you would put this person first. This wife. This husband. Does your vow still have value? Pull out those wedding photos and take a trip down memory lane. Remind yourself of how much you longed for a life together. Remind yourself that you’ve already put a lot of effort into this life together. You won’t loose out if you take action now – rather you’ll be building on a sacred vow. It’s a solid foundation. You’ll be honoring your vow.

What other motivation do you have?

I’m sure there are more motives for taking action to grow your marriage!

Stop procrastinting. Don’t wait for a better time. It’s not necessary to have more money in the bank. Take action even if the kids are still in school.  Never mind what excuse comes to mind…  Your relationship needs your attention now! Life will never be perfect, and there will never be “more time”. Find your own motivation to make your marriage more – better – greater!

It’s not just you and your spouse who benefit from a healthy and strong relationship… your kids win, your family wins, your friends win. Everybody can be encourage by you and your spouse.

Your future depends on what you do today.

3 great reasons to be motivated to make your marriage a priority.

I’m putting these posts – “A to Z” Values – all under the FAMILY portion of this site. Why? Every one of these Values words will bless your spouse. And more than that… these Values will benefit your whole family!

Imagine being motivated to work on and for your marriage… What kind of impact will that have on your family and on your children? I’m guessing your children and family will only benefit as they watch the two of you standing together – with a healthy relationship!

This post began as an Instagram challenge for July 2016 – A to Z and a few numbers… ( check out our Instagram account) and grew into a series of Values posts!

Find the posts in this series on this PAGE – 27 Values to Enrich your Marriage 

27 Values to Enrich your Marriage - 27 values for your marriage


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Is Procrastination Poisoning Your Marriage?
Address it! Move past procrastination to a great marriage!

Take a look at the book on Amazon!

In this book, the nine reasons we all procrastinate are spelled out in detail as they appear in marriage, and solutions, and strategies are suggested for each area.

Also included are links to free downloads of the lists: 101 things to say and text to your spouse, 101 things to do for/with your spouse, 35 conversation starters and more. Reading this book will give you the big picture surrounding procrastination in all its forms, and the practical strategies to move past procrastination!

The goal is translating what you learn about procrastination in your marriage, to the rest of your life - so as husband and wife you're leading a meaningful life!