The power of touch is huge – I’m sure this concept isn’t new to you. If you’re interested in some data on the importance and significance of touch, take a look at this post.

Touch can be more nuanced than only using your body…


Touch your spouse with your voice.

We’ve been given the gift of sound and words.

Give it some thought:

There’s a huge difference between a mother speaking to her baby as they’re cuddling while nursing, compared to when she’s yelling at the car in front of her as she’s late for an appointment.

It’s all about tone.

(OK – a little bit has to do with volume too…)

With what tone do you touch your spouse?

It is possible to use your voice to touch your spouse.

Robert can put me to sleep with just his voice. Now, don’t laugh. This is a good thing!

When my head is full of worries or it’s been a busy day and all the conversations are rolling around in my head, Rob will talk about happy things as we lie together in bed. The sound of his voice soothes me, it brings me peace. And then I can fall asleep.

Have you ever whispered sweet words into your spouse’s ears? 

The sweet words can be teasing, or naughty. The words don’t even need to be whispered – they can be everyday conversations.

But notice your tone – the quality of your vocal intonation – as you speak to your spouse today.

Does the sound of your voice caress your spouse – or slap them?

Linking up with:

A Proverbs 31 Wife

Grace  Laced

Covered in Grace