According to research there’s only a 25% chance you’ve been born with an optimist’s DNA …
However, there’s a whole group of people walking around this planet choosing to look at the good in life – hoping for a great future.
We choose how we’re going to behave. Are you choosing to be an optimist?
Here’s why being optimistic will help you inspire yourself and your spouse with hope …
1) If you are optimistic, you’re more likely to set goals – having hope for a great future.
2) If you are optimistic, your goals will lead you to develop (new) skills, and practice those skills to achieve your goals. Taking action toward your goals is a sign of an optimist.
3) If you are optimistic, your new, practiced skills will create a feeling of “flow”* – of being competent, and in control. Then you’ll enjoy successful outcomes.
4) If you are optimistic, your successful outcomes will make you feel and act with joy, leading you to more hope for a greater future.
It’s a cycle – become an optimist and inspire with hope! Encourage your spouse.
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* Flow is a concept proposed by positive psychologist Mihály Csíkszentmihályi.