Imagine a book filled with letters – from a husband to his wife.

In these letters, spanning the course of about 50 years – 1952-2002 – he tells her how much he loves her and talks about how her love makes him feel:

…Your gift to me is uninsurable.  No appraiser can put a value on it… It’s like fruit of the month or a lifetime subscription – a perpetual-motion happiness machine.  It starts off fresh and brand new every day, shining up my whole world…

This man eventually was diagnosed with Alzheimers, and died in 2004.  His wife still lives in California.

As I’m reading this book – all these beautiful, touching, funny letters – I’m so thankful to his wife for sharing.  It’s a beautiful tribute to a man others may only see as a political figure.

I see them as husband and wife.

Encouraging each other.  Loving each other.  Living life together.  Leading a meaningful life – together.  Raising children.  Making an impact on the world – together.

Would you like to meet this husband?

He is the husband of Nancy.  His name is Ronald.

Ronald Reagan – 40th President of the United States of America

Here are a few more quotes from the book:

But what is really important is that having fulfilled our responsibilities to our offspring we haven’t been careless with the treasure that is ours – namely what we are to each other.

I’m looking at you as you lie here beside me on this fifteenth anniversary and wondering why everyone has only just discovered you are the First Lady.  You’ve been the First – in fact the only – to me for fifteen years.