We live in the south – the south-eastern USA. Though we’re not born southerners, we relish the nuances that make southern living unique.

First, there’s the weather!  Sunshine.  There’s great southern food. Yum!  The abundance of flowers and flowering bushes and trees are a feast for the eyes. There are the huge bugs. And pollen.(OK, maybe we haven’t enjoyed everything southern!)

We also love the cadence of the language.   English is spoken here in the south, but it’s spoken slower and pulled out into many syllables.  There are uniquely southern phrases.

One uniquely southern phrase we’ve come to know is:

Well, bless your heart!

Sometimes this phrase is exactly what it seems.  A positive affirmation.  It’s a way to show sympathy and love and solidarity.

However, it’s also expressed at other times.   Instead of being rude, a southern lady might use this phrase to indicate that what you’ve done or said, is just plain stupid.  But they still love you anyway.

Some time ago we were in a group meeting, and a fellow from one of the northern states was presenting a new concept.  When he completed his presentation, he asked if there were any questions.

A southern lady asked a question.  His answers were not applicable to her situation.  She qualified her question.  And then rephrased it. And again.  And once more.  This northern-born presenter continued to see the situation from his own vantage and wasn’t able to respond to meet her needs, in her situation.

This southern lady ultimately gave up and finished with the statement, “Well, bless your heart.”

Of course the gathered group chuckled.

We were all southerners and understood the expression of her frustration.  Unfortunately (or fortunately) the fellow from a northern State didn’t grasp the nuance of her statement.

Regardless of her frustration, this southern lady still wanted good for the presenter.

Do you bless your spouse?

Let’s be candid here.

We don’t always meet in the middle with our spouse – there are issues that continue to be annoying.  Sometimes we’re the problem.  Sometimes not.  At times we just can’t understand where our spouse is coming from… and sometimes they just don’t ‘get’ us!

Do you continue to bless your spouse, regardless of how much you agree or don’t agree?

Bless:  to request of God the bestowal of divine favor on someone, or request protection from evil.

Words are powerful.  

God created everything with a Word.  

Our words can create an atmosphere of growth or of death.  

Let’s bless our spouse!