Our lives can be filled with every day events, and childcare, and busy-work, and maintenance, and ho-hum mindlessness…

Is this enough for you? Do you want more?

Sometimes feeling encouraged happens when we – as husband & wife – work together.

Do you want to make a difference in the world around you?  

What’s your plan?

What could you do together

– as husband and wife –

to encourage others as part of living a meaning filled life?

Robert’s Value Quotes’ Video this week got me thinking…  (The quote is by Andy Stanley.)


What if you & your spouse reached out to another couple…

Yes – there are many hurting couples.

We could become overwhelmed by all the marriages in crisis…

But –

What if we – as a husband and wife team –

chose to do for ONE couple

what we’d like to do for every couple…

What would you do?

A meaning filled life is built by more than a pursuit of pleasure…

Who could you and your spouse connect with?

What married couple (or engaged couple) could you & your spouse pour yourself into?

If you want more ideas to encourage others – together – check out this blog post.

But – What if you’re a couple who feels in need of mentoring yourself…

Take a look around you.

Is there a mature couple whom you admire?

Reach out – invite them into your home – build a friendship.

You’ll be blessed.  And encouraged.

And so will they.


Have you and your spouse ever mentored another couple?

Have you been mentored by someone?

What was your experience?

What do you think of mentoring?

Please leave a comment – let’s share ideas…

 Thankful to Link with

Encourage One Another  |  Winsome Wednesday  |  Whole Hearted Home  |  Wifey Wednesday

Simply Helping Him  |  Hope in Every Season