I apologize for the coarse language – but there are times when our lives resemble a maze through the meadow muffins*…

Like people, relationships continue to grow and change.  Every marriage has seasons.  Some are tranquil.  Some seasons are more chaotic than others.  Some seasons are down-right brutal.  Having routines in your married life can translate into simplicity and productivity.  And routines can build security.  That’s great…

But sometimes routines hold you captive.

Clinging to routines that used to work can become a prison.  They were profitable and useful at one time, but now that routine is just binding – it has no more value in the season you and your spouse have entered.

I challenge you to examine your routines!

Change things up – be creative!

Your spouse might appreciate the freedom from your routines.  Your marriage might benefit from a bit of creative flexibility.

  1. First – don’t change just for change’s sake.  Have a conversation.
  2. Talk with your spouse about your routines.  Ask if he or she is finding those routines either binding, a non-threatening, neutral habit, or a security.
  3. Make a decision – together – on whether it’s a positive thing to change how you go about your daily life.

Imagine what unnecessary habits you could cut through…  

Two people united in a marriage are like the blades of a scissor – most powerful if they’re going in the same direction. (toward each other).

What could you change?

Which routine is no longer serving you well?

 *meadow muffins are what’s left behind when a cow or horse spends time in a field.  They dry into a hard, roundish, fragrant pile of manure. 🙂