A song has been buzzing in my head the past few days:

Has your spouse felt pressed down by the atmosphere of today?

No – I’m not talking about the weather.  I’m taking about these pressures:

  • illness – mental or physical
  • financial burdens
  • tragedy
  • relationships
  • uncertainty

Being wonderful, sharing people, if your spouse is under pressure – then so are you!  You’re supposed to be the encourager – how do you handle pressure?

How do you let out a little pressure?

Talking with someone might help – so might regular exercise.  But do you know the best way to gain some release?

Spend time praying. 

Ask others to pray for you and with you.  Pray by yourself.  Pray while walking.

God can and will turn the valve – no matter how rusty and tight it seems – and release some of that pressure building up inside.

The key is to focus on God – not the problems.

“We have to pray with our eyes on God, not on the difficulties.”
~ Oswald Chambers

*On Thursday there’s going to be a very special post here at Encourage Your Spouse written by a friend.  He uses prayer to H.E.L.P. in his marriage…