Warmhearted people aren’t difficult to identify.  They easily extend small gestures of kindnesses to others, and are generous with their time and support.

Warmhearted – friendliness, kindness or affection; sympathetic and generous.

However, even if others consider you to be a warmhearted person, it doesn’t automatically mean you are friendly, kind, affectionate, sympathetic and generous toward your spouse. Sometimes those actions are lost in the hustle of real life… sometimes spouses can treat each other with a callous disregard they’d never give a friend. (Or even an acquaintance.)

Being warmhearted toward your spouse takes thought and effort – consistently. It’s like a muscle that’s strengthened over time by constant practice.

Warmhearted spouses treat each other with respect, and kindness. They’re affectionate with each other. They easily sympathize as the other goes through challenges, and are generous with each other.

This Value isn’t about grand gestures – rather it’s demonstrated in small ways.

Ways to be Warmhearted Towards Your Spouse

  • Whenever your spouse arrives home, stop what you’re doing, and take a moment to greet her/him. You’re demonstrating your respect for him/her as your spouse and friend. Surely what you’re doing isn’t that important…
  • Ask your spouse if there’s anything you can do to make the day easier. Demonstrate generosity of spirit and lend your practical support.
  • Let your spouse know how you admire her/him – a genuine compliment is always valuable. Who better to hear this from than your spouse!
  • Smile. A warm smile from someone who cares about you is a beautiful gift. Give it often.
  • When you sense your spouse is feeling down, offer a hug, and let it last a long time.
  • Pick an evening or specific time to say to your spouse, “What would you like to do for the next few hours? I’m all yours and whatever you want to do is fine by me.”

Isn’t it amazing how many of these you would do for a friend? Yet, after just a short time of being married, it’s easy to skip over these simple yet powerful gifts of kindness.

As a spouse, wouldn’t it be wonderful if you treated each other with the sympathy and support of a friend?

What are other ways you can be warmhearted toward your spouse?

Are you warmhearted with your spouse?

I’m putting these posts – “A to Z” Values – all under the FAMILY portion of this site. Why? Every one of these Values words will be a blessing to each spouse – but more than that… they’ll benefit your whole family!

Imagine if you are warmhearted with your spouse – what kind of impact will that have on your family? On your children? I’m guessing that your children and family will only benefit as they watch the two of you being kind and sympathetic, affectionate and supportive.

This is an Instagram challenge for July 2016 – A to Z and a few numbers… check out our Instagram account!

The posts in this series can be found on the PAGE – 27 Values to Enrich your Marriage  (BTW – If you’re reading this post before the end of July 2016, then the page isn’t complete… I’m still writing! 😉 )

27 Values to Enrich your Marriage - 27 values for your marriage