New experiences (the Value of Discovery) have played a huge part in our 33+ years of marriage. Whether they’re small discoveries, like a new restaurant… Rob and Lori at Seaons52 in Raleigh - Values Drive Experiencesor big experiences like our time in the RV parked in beautiful places…

new experiences - like RVing - are part of a strong marriage - wine and other experiences

…they’ve all created good memories we reminisce about whenever we have a down moment or 2 or 10,080.

Good memories of things you’ve enjoyed together are part of a strong marriage.

What new experiences do you enjoy as a couple?

Some couples enjoy learning. Others love to travel. And some couples are passionate about entertainment, or sports or hiking, museums, shopping, cars, antiquing, and other activities.

What’s your newest discovery, passion or experience as a couple?Take the Bright Cellars Quiz and discover wine you love!

Are you wine aficionados

Rob and I have good friends who are wine enthusiasts. They take delight in traveling to the west coast of the USA for new experiences with wine-tasting excursions. They’ve shared some of their favorite wines with us, and we’ve loved the experience.

To be candid, we really don’t know what we like in wine… so we’d need to be guided if we were to have a “wine discovery experience” in our future. Are you like us?

Do you need help exploring to know what kind of wine you’d like?

We’ve just found a fun company of wine experts, Bright Cellars, who have a quiz that tells you what kind of wine you might enjoy! They’re a monthly wine club that finds unique, hidden gems from small vineyards from all over the world. Created by two MIT grads with a passion for wine, the Bright Points algorithm scores each wine by comparing 18 attributes to your preferences, matching you with your monthly experience.

Is someone on your gifting list interested in wine?

Anniversaries or birthdays or Christmas are all reasons we give gifts – what about the gift of a wine experience? Bright Cellars has a unique gift program where they send a certificate (or you can hand deliver it) to someone to try the experience of new wines!

Try the wine quiz!

Click the picture to begin – it’s fun!

Take the Bright Cellars quiz and discover wine you love!

If you’re at all like Rob and me, we stand in the store and look at the aisles of wine, wondering how to choose. This idea takes the pain of choosing away, and just leaves you with the fun of unwrapping a new experience!

Maybe your spouse would like a “wine experience”?

Here’s a creative way to share something with your spouse – a new memory to make! And have a special gift for her – or him!  Take Bright Cellars Quiz and discover wine you love!

This post is an affiliate post. If you purchase we’d receive a small commission at no cost to you – we appreciate your support.

Rob and I suggest this gift experience with caution. Many people enjoy wine and alcohol in moderation without any adverse impact. However, we are also aware of many who find alcohol a destructive poison for their life and marriage. Use wisdom in considering this idea.

If, for any reason you feel a gift of alcohol would not be a good idea, please, please, find another option. Maybe flowers? You could buy a Bouquet from Bouqs or set up a monthly gift there.

take away the pain of choosing and just enjoy unwrapping a new experiences